

Delving into captivating crypto narratives, revealing breakthroughs in decentralization, and offering astute evaluations within the digital assets landscape.

McAfee Vs the SEC: Renegade Security Expert Challenges SEC to Debate on Cryptocurrencies

Outspoken cryptocurrency proponent, iconoclastic firearm enthusiast, and potential 2020 US presidential candidate, John McAfee, challenged the SEC to a live debate on national television over the SEC chairman Jay Claytonโ€™s recent statements regarding the regulatory status of cryptocurrencies. McAfee, who recently announced his intent to capture the White House in 2020, called out Clayton via […]

McAfee Vs the SEC: Renegade Security Expert Challenges SEC to Debate on Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin Dives Below $7,000 Support Level Following Korean Exchange Hack

Bitcoin plummetted below $7,000 USD for the first time since April 2018. The drop occurredย shortly after South Korean exchange Coinrailย announced a “cyber intrusion” in their system. Coinrail claims to have frozen exposed NPER, ATX, and NPXS coins, and that other cryptocurrencies are now safely secured in cold storage. However, their websiteย providesย no additional information. Other major […]

Bitcoin Dives Below $7,000 Support Level Following Korean Exchange Hack

Seattle Bitcoin Offers Blockchain Networking Amongst Exotic Cars

Seattle Bitcoin, an organization dedicated to cryptocurrency education, gathered a diverse group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts to share knowledge and increase blockchain awareness. The slow roar of a Ferrariย 488 drew in a party-ready platoon of crypto traders, blockchain evangelists, and newcomers seekingย to network atย Zadart Exotic Car Club in Bellevue, Washingtonย for a blockchain meet-up. Seattle Bitcoin is […]

Seattle Bitcoin Offers Blockchain Networking Amongst Exotic Cars