

Delving into captivating crypto narratives, revealing breakthroughs in decentralization, and offering astute evaluations within the digital assets landscape.

Wyoming Paves the Way in Blockchain Legislation–Issues New Bill for Tokenizing Stocks

Wyoming continues to spearhead blockchain adoption with House Bill 0185. The bill, scheduled for July 1st if passed, permits corporations to issue blockchain-based stock certificate tokens. This bill is just one in a string of new legislation, cementing Wyoming’s position as the pro-crypto state. Tokenization is the process of representing ownership of real-world assets digitally […]

Wyoming Paves the Way in Blockchain Legislation–Issues New Bill for Tokenizing Stocks

Denmark Gains Access to Sensitive User Data on Domestic Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Taxation

The battle between tax authorities and cryptocurrency users took a turn in favor of the tax collectors. This month, Denmark’s tax authority won permission to start collecting private user information related to cryptocurrency trading. Denmark’s tax authority will now have access to sensitive information from three unnamed exchanges dating from 2016 and 2018, including names, addresses […]

Denmark Gains Access to Sensitive User Data on Domestic Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Taxation