Wormhole Bridge

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About Wormhole Bridge

Wormhole enables programmers to create decentralized applications that work throughout the whole blockchain ecosystem with ease. With just one integration, Wormhole enables developers to grow across 20+ blockchains.

The Wormhole Network is a general message-passing protocol that links valuable blockchains and enables apps to take advantage of the messaging layer to promote ecosystem interoperability. Developers can use the protocol, which is protected by 19 guardians, to transport any kind of data across chains, including tokens, NFTs, oracle data, governance decisions, and more.

In 2020, Certus One unveiled Wormhole V1, which was first intended to serve as a conventional token bridge connecting Ethereum and Solana. It was the first bridge on Solana and was in charge of establishing a significant portion of the early liquidity in the Solana and Serum ecosystems.

Wormhole quickly expanded beyond Solana and token transfers, despite its beginnings as a token bridge.

As a decentralized generic interoperability protocol for many blockchain ecosystems, Wormhole v2 was introduced in August 2021 with initial support for Solana, Terra, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain.

Wormhole Bridge News

Wormhole Bridge Video

Wormhole Bridge DApp Information

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Wormhole Bridge Support

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