Short-term holders react swiftly to SEC lawsuits, sending Bitcoin deposits soaring on exchanges Short-term holders react swiftly to SEC lawsuits, sending Bitcoin deposits soaring on exchanges

Short-term holders react swiftly to SEC lawsuits, sending Bitcoin deposits soaring on exchanges

with insights from Glassnode

Short-term holders were responsible for 76% of all Bitcoin deposits in the past week, showing the impact the SEC's lawsuits had on the cohort.

Short-term holders react swiftly to SEC lawsuits, sending Bitcoin deposits soaring on exchanges

Cover art/illustration via CryptoSlate. Image includes combined content which may include AI-generated content.

The SEC's recent lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase have sparked a significant change in the crypto market, particularly affecting short-term holders. These market participants, holding onto their coins for less than 155 days, act as an early warning system for larger shifts in market sentiment. With a sudden spike in short-term Bitcoin deposits on exchanges following the lawsuits, historical data reveals that such events have correlated with high-volatility outcomes. So, what does this mean for the future of the crypto market and how can investors prepare for the potential impact...