
Nicholas Merten Verified Profile: Nicholas Merten has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.

Founder at Digifox

Nicholas Merten Bio

Nicholas Merten is the founder of both DataDash, one of the largest cryptocurrency YouTube channels with over 460,000 subscribers, and Digifox, the first major app giving nearly 1 billion people the ability to receive a portion or all of their income. Being an international speaker, thought-leader, and crypto analyst in the space, he has utilized his over eight years of experience in traditional markets to understand the potential of cryptocurrencies.

Nicholas Merten News

Nicholas Merten Video

Nicholas Merten Current Work

Nicholas Merten Previous Work

  • Sales Data Management Intern iAccess, Inc. 2015

Nicholas Merten Education

  • Virginia Commonwealth University, Business Administration & Finance, 2016-2017

All images, branding and wording is copyright of Nicholas Merten. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the person mentioned on this page.