SwapSpace Verified Profile: SwapSpace has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.
SwapSpace Background
SwapSpace is a crypto exchange aggregator with 25 partners and 1750+ coins available for your smooth and extremely fast swaps with the best market rates and no sign-up. You can not only securely swap your assets, but also buy & sell them for fiat and spend crypto, shopping on popular marketplaces by paying with cryptocurrency.
Our platform aims to save you time and simplify the exchange process: we aggregate the swap offers from the most trustworthy crypto exchanges – you only need to pick the best option and our 24/7 support team will be here with you for any help. We pick the best — you make a choice.
SwapSpace Video
SwapSpace Features
- Best rates on the market
Our partners provide you with fast exchanges without any upper limits or restrictions. By collecting real-time data, we provide you with an instant response to rate changes.
- More than 1750+ coins are available
Swap as many coins as you desire — get the top-ranking assets, trending tokens, and stablecoins. New assets are being added weekly.
- Zero sign-up hassle
No sign-up or account is needed for your crypto swaps. Data collecting takes time — and time is money. Your privacy is our priority.
- Fixed & floating rates
Pick up the fixed rates option to get the exact amount you see before starting an exchange or easily get the classic trade flow with floating rates.
- Loyalty program
SwapSpace loyalty program is based on NFTs: using our Invader NFT during exchanges, you can easily receive a cashback of up to 50% RevShare.
- 24/7 live support
Feel free to reach our support team out via live chat or email – we are always here to help you and make your exchange experience even better.
Supported Cryptocurrencies
SwapSpace Team
Andrew Wind
Yitzhak Ioffe
Eva Sever
SwapSpace Headquarters
SwapSpace Support
All images, branding and wording is copyright of SwapSpace. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the company mentioned on this page.