Bitcoin realized prices by cohort indicate DCA strategies in progress Bitcoin realized prices by cohort indicate DCA strategies in progress

Bitcoin realized prices by cohort indicate DCA strategies in progress

Data via Glassnode

Delving into historical trends: an analysis of bitcoin prices realized by different investor cohorts

Quick Take

Bitcoin’s consolidation at the $30,000 mark does not put many investor cohorts in a loss situation, as the dollar-cost averaging (DCA) strategy continues to be implemented.

Dollar-cost averaging is the concept of purchasing an asset on a regular basis without prejudice to the market value at the time of the trade. Dollar-cost average strategies look to reduce risk and gain exposure to an asset over time instead of attempting to time the market.

Investors who entered the market in 2021 faced a high-cost basis of $48,000. However, after two and a half years of consistent buying, these investors have managed to reduce their cost basis down to $35,500.

While all other cohorts are currently in profit.

Cohort: (Source: Glassnode)
Cohort: (Source: Glassnode)
Average Withdrawal: (Source: Glassnode)
Average Withdrawal: (Source: Glassnode)