Jake Yocom-Piatt
Jake Yocom-Piatt Bio
Jake Yocom-Piatt is Project Lead for Decred, cryptocurrency pioneer who has been using, funding and directing the creation of open-source software for 10+ years, he has been an expert source for the Chicago Tribune and a variety of industry publications. He has also been a frequent panelist and has taught workshops on cryptocurrency governance.
Prior to Decred, Jake funded and oversaw the creation of btcsuite, an alternative full-node Bitcoin implementation written in go, whose source code has been used in several other notable projects, e.g. Lightning Network Daemon (lnd), Ethereum, Factom. He also is a co-creator of zkc, a high-security asynchronous chat system.
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Jake Yocom-Piatt Education
- University of Chicago, Master of Science (M.S.), Physics, 2002-2004
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Physics, 1998-2002
All images, branding and wording is copyright of Jake Yocom-Piatt. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the person mentioned on this page.