Playa3ull Verified Profile: Playa3ull has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.
Playa3ull Background
Playa3ull is a gaming development company that create games that transport you to a different place. Games that immerse you in the experience and allow you to experiment with being something more than yourself. Transferring the ownership, design and economy of these games to the people who play them. And to reward those players with in-game assets they own.
The goal is to develop and sponsor games designed by some of the most experienced game developers worldwide. To achieve this, we have created our own blockchain, released Nodes and use the 3ULL coin as the foundation for the PLAYA3ULL GAMES ecosystem.
PLAYA3ULL GAMES starts with professional game developers producing free-to-play & fun-to-play PC-based games. Then, we allow you, the gamer, to own all your in-game assets through NFTs stored on the 3ULL blockchain.
Playa3ull News
Supported Cryptocurrencies
Playa3ull Support
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