
CF Benchmarks

Cryptocurrency index provider

CF Benchmarks Background

CF Benchmarks is a leading provider of regulated and independent cryptocurrency indices. It is a subsidiary of Crypto Facilities Ltd, a company based in the United Kingdom. CF Benchmarks is known for its expertise in constructing and administering benchmark indices for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The company focuses on developing transparent and reliable indices that adhere to regulatory standards. These indices are used by a wide range of market participants, including asset managers, exchanges, and other financial institutions, as a reference for pricing and performance measurement in the cryptocurrency market.

CF Benchmarks is regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as an authorized benchmark administrator. This regulatory oversight ensures that the indices provided by CF Benchmarks meet stringent standards of accuracy, transparency, and governance.

The company’s indices serve as important tools for market participants to assess the value and performance of cryptocurrencies. They are widely recognized as reliable references for pricing and risk management purposes. CF Benchmarks’ commitment to regulatory compliance and transparency contributes to the overall development and maturation of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

CF Benchmarks News

CF Benchmarks Team

CF Benchmarks
Sui Chung


CF Benchmarks
Graham MacDonald


CF Benchmarks
Ghando AM

Head of Product Management

CF Benchmarks Support

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