Nejc Kodrič

CEO & Co-Founder at Bitstamp

Nejc Kodrič Bio

Since starting out in 2011 with little more than some basic computer equipment, €1,000 and a love of technology, Nejc has been instrumental in developing Bitstamp into one of the most trusted and highest volume bitcoin exchanges in the world. With offices in Luxembourg, London, and New York, Bitstamp continues to grow from strength to strength, serving its customers’ bitcoin trading requirements.

Among his many achievements as chief executive officer, Nejc spearheaded the approach to become the first fully licensed virtual currency exchange in the EU, which was granted in 2016, setting the benchmark for the Bitcoin industry’s continued consolidation and strength.

With a keen interest in promoting economic empowerment and technology, Nejc has spoken at several conferences including Techcrunch, Bitcoin Foundation, MoneyConf, Deloitte Conference: Future Challenges, ICT Spring Europe and FundForum International, and was awarded Best Virtual Currency Start-up at The Europas in June 2014.

Nejc was born in Slovenia, where he studied Organization and Management of Information Systems and Economics and currently splits his time between his home country and Luxembourg.

Source: LinkedIn

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