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GRIN Price
Market Cap
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GRIN Market Stats

  • Price $0.02841
  • 1H Change +2.13%
  • 24H Change +0.59%
  • 7 Day Change +5.38%
  • 30 Day Change -2.27%
  • 1 Year Change -13.59%
  • All-Time High $19.2102
  • % From ATH -99.85%
  • ATH Date Jan 18, 2019
  • Launch Date Jan 15, 2019

GRIN Explorer

Grin Info

Grin empowers anyone to transact or save modern money without the fear of external control or oppression. Grin is designed for the decades to come, not just tomorrow. Grin wants to be usable by everyone, regardless of borders, culture, skills or access. Grin uses a proof-of-work system called Cuckoo Cycle that searches very large graphs for cycles, i.e. a cyclic path (a path that loops back on itself).

Grin (GRIN) Features:

  • Privacy by default. This enables complete fungibility without precluding the ability to selectively disclose information as needed.
  • Scales mostly with the number of users and minimally with the number of transactions (<100 byte kernel), resulting in a large space-saving compared to other blockchains.
  • Strong and proven cryptography. MimbleWimble only relies on Elliptic Curve Cryptography which has been tried and tested for decades.
  • Design simplicity that makes it easy to audit and maintain over time.
  • Community-driven, encouraging mining decentralization.

Grin Technical Info

  • Blockchain Own Blockchain
  • Consensus Proof of Work (PoW)
  • Hash Algorithm Cuckoo Cycle
  • Org. Structure Decentralized
  • Development Status On-going development
  • Open Source Yes

Grin News

All images, branding and wording is copyright of Grin. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.