
Henry Duckworth Verified Profile: Henry Duckworth has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.

CEO and Co-founder at AgriDex

Henry Duckworth Bio

Harry Duckworth, a law graduate, embarked on a unique journey that led him to become the youngest trader at global commodities giant Trafigura. He then went on to set up desks for several hedge funds worldwide, accumulating over a decade of experience in trading, hedge funds, and emergent technologies.

Through his work, he became fascinated by the revolutionary power of blockchain tech soon after the inception of Bitcoin. Years later he founded AgriDex International, to provide digital marketplaces and supply chain information for all participants in the global food chain.

It’s the first agricultural RWA platform built on Solana. Furthermore, it’s the only one that utilises ‘Ricardian contracts, a mechanism by which dynamic online and on-chain activity is aggregated into a static legal contract that sets the real contractual terms of smart contracts.

Equipped with the skills required to make web2 companies thrive and the technical knowledge of a blockchain founder, Harry is adept at breaking down complex concepts and understands the importance of blockchain abstraction that will lead to mass adoption.

He believes that a shift from a conversation about the technology itself to its utility is required to propel it to a mainstream user base. Harry’s leveraging this approach through AgriDex, which seamlessly integrates blockchain tech in the background, yet provides a user-friendly experience.

Henry Duckworth News

Henry Duckworth Current Work

Henry Duckworth Previous Work

  • Barak Fund Management Advisor 2019 - 2021
  • Scipion Capital Ltd Vice President 2016 - 2018
  • EMEA Office Portfolio manager 2013 - 2016

Henry Duckworth Education

  • University of Leeds , Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Law, 2007 - 2010

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