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Bitcamp Info

Bitcamp is a learning platform powered by blockchain which connect professionals, tutors, and students from across the world. Anyone with internet access can study and make money by sharing knowledge on our platform, no matter where they are located on the world.

We experienced how challenging it was for international educational institutions to carry on with their operations during the COVID19 pandemic. The only option available to students at the time was online learning platforms. In recent time, E-learning platforms are now highly appreciated by students, teachers, and professionals.

Students from any location will have the equal opportunity to enrol in their courses by using the Bitcamp learning app. Tutors, professionals, Freelancers and skilled individuals will get paid in cryptocurrency for their registered courses, gigs and services.

Major features of the Bitcamp platform:

  • E-Learning App: Bitcamp believes that access to a world-class education is the right of every individual no matter where a person hails from. To achieve this end the firm has created an E-learning App through which it provides top-notch courses. The firm’s native token BCM can be used to pay for these courses.
  • Course and Certificate: Bitcamp also provides the opportunity for users to get admitted to pre-eminent institutions and obtain online world-class degrees. This feature invigorates the concept of online and distance learning.
  • Certificate Explorer: Individuals apprehensive about the authenticity of their certificates can make use of Certificate Explorer. This is an online search portal where users can match their certificates with their course IDs to verify their degrees.
  • Crypto Payment: Bitcamp provides a safe, swift, and seamless channel for individuals paying for their courses. This payment mechanism has a great edge over traditional payment methods.

Content creators, tutors, and professionals will have the chance to make money in the Bitcamp learning ecosystem by sharing their skills and knowledge. Most online platforms are emphasising the earnings of content creators in compliance with modern business tactics in order to sustain the business revenue – generating process.

With the same focus on content producers, course sellers, and academic institution bitcamp ecosystem has been designed. You can start to earn money with Bitcamp from anywhere in the world.

Bitcamp is dedicated to make learning more easier for global students by allowing them to learn and earn on a single platform without facing geographical or payment limitations. By using e learning platforms, students can learn and get their courses from home but due to lack of flexible payment options in many countries, students do not have the same educational possibilities from their location.

Bitcamp Technical Info

All images, branding and wording is copyright of Bitcamp. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.