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AIOZ Price
Market Cap
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AIOZ Market Stats

  • Price $0.53345
  • 1H Change +0.9%
  • 24H Change +11.01%
  • 7 Day Change +11.67%
  • 30 Day Change +1.09%
  • 1 Year Change +3593.76%
  • All-Time High $1.17828
  • % From ATH -54.75%
  • ATH Date Nov 27, 2021

AIOZ Explorer

AIOZ Network Info

The AIOZ Network is a decentralized content delivery network, which relies on multiple nodes spread out throughout the globe. These nodes provides computational-demanding resources like bandwidth, storage, and computational power in order to store content, share content and perform computing tasks.

AIOZ Network Technical Info

AIOZ Network News

AIOZ Network Organization & Team

AIOZ Network
Erman Tjiputra

Founder · C.E.O

AIOZ Network
Hien Nguyen

Head of Blockchain

AIOZ Network
Trieu Nguyen

Chief Technology Officer

AIOZ Network
Hung Nguyen

Project Manager

AIOZ Network
Quang Tran

Head of AI

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