‘Bitcoin Creator’ Craig Wright “Satoshi Nakamoto” Deletes Twitter Account After Getting Heckled? ‘Bitcoin Creator’ Craig Wright “Satoshi Nakamoto” Deletes Twitter Account After Getting Heckled?
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‘Bitcoin Creator’ Craig Wright “Satoshi Nakamoto” Deletes Twitter Account After Getting Heckled?

‘Bitcoin Creator’ Craig Wright “Satoshi Nakamoto” Deletes Twitter Account After Getting Heckled?

Cover art/illustration via CryptoSlate. Image includes combined content which may include AI-generated content.

Today, Craig Wright—a computer scientist who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto (to the skepticism of many) and one of the figureheads behind BCH fork Bitcoin SV—allegedly deleted his Twitter account after sustained heckling from spoof accounts, including Fake-toshi Bot.

Background on Craig Wright (“Satoshi Nakamoto”)

Craig Steven Wright is an Australian computer scientist who is known for his involvement in helping create Bitcoin; he is also notorious for claiming that he is the person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

Wright was previously aligned with Roger Ver and the Bitcoin Cash movement after the original Bitcoin “failed” to fulfill his vision for “peer-to-peer electronic cash.” However, disagreements over the direction of the project’s development resulted in a contentious fork, with Wright joining forces with cryptocurrency mogul Calvin Ayre to create Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (Bitcoin SV).

Wrightful Criticism

Due to Wright’s oftentimes controversial statements, he has attracted copious criticism (and sometimes outright ridicule) from the cryptocurrency community, especially from those supportive of Bitcoin. To combat criticism, Wright would aggressively block users on Twitter who publicly disagreed with him.

Consequently, many spoof accounts sprung up around Wright to mock his oftentimes controversial statements. One of those accounts was Fake-toshi Bot, which would copy his tweets and publish them, allowing many of those accounts blocked by Wright to discuss and interact with his public statements.

Hecklers Push Wright to Delete His Account?

Over the weekend, Wright began to threaten legal action against some of these bots, claiming it violates the Twitter terms-of-service or US copyright law. Note, the tweet below is a copy of Wright’s statement from the spoof account:

Then, Wright moved over to another protected Twitter account and tweeted a disclaimer claiming that those who imitate his comments are in breach of “DMCA” (Digital Millenium Copyright Act):

However, his new account was also suspended. Allegedly, Wright “moved on to threatening Twitter, presumably because they weren’t reacting to his complaints, saying it violates the ‘DCMA’ (I think he meant the ‘DMCA’),” according to one Redditor. Wright’s original account, which boasted over 60,000 followers, was then deleted or suspended on Twitter.

At the very least, it appears the social media airwaves will be a little quieter without the controversial debates around, and with, Craig Wright.

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