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About CryptoCompare
CryptoCompare provides real-time, high-quality and reliable market and pricing data on 5,700+ coins and 260,000+ currency pairs globally, bridging the gap between the crypto asset and traditional financial markets. CryptoCompare recently launched its new API service in response to customer demand for more complex and highly scalable cryptocurrency data solutions.
CryptoCompare News
CryptoCompare Gallery
CryptoCompare Features & Specs
- Price. CrypotoCompare’s API returns the current price of any cryptocurrency and all the trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) for the requested pairs, providing pricing data for 5,700+ coins and 260,000+ currency pairs.
- Historical Data. Get daily, hourly and minute historical data, daily data at any given timestamp, daily average price based on hourly vwap and total daily and hourly exchange volume.
- Top Lists. The top list endpoints retrieve volume data for top exchanges for a currency pair, the full CryptoCompare Index (CCCAGG) data, top list of coins, top list of trading pairs and top coins by total volume across all markets in the last 24 hours.
- Streaming. The streaming API returns all the combinations of subs and pricing info in order to know what needs to be streamed and how to connect to the streamers. You can also get all the available streamer subscription channels for the requested pairs.
- News. Get news feeds and articles from all major crypto news providers that CryptoCompare has integrated with. You can also retrieve a full list of categories, a great way to filter through the news articles.
- General Info. CryptoCompare is continuously adding valuable endpoints. Honorable mentions: list of all the exchanges and trading pairs, constituent exchanges for CryptoCompare Index (CCCAGG) and all coins on CryptoCompare website.
CryptoCompare Team
CryptoCompare Support
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