AI Usage Disclaimer

Empowering journalism with AI, ethically.

At CryptoSlate, we leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance our editorial operations and provide our audience with high-quality, timely, and informative content. We employ OpenAI’s GPT-4-Turbo to assist with various aspects of content creation, including article ideation, drafting, fact-checking, and image generation.

We commit to using AI ethically and responsibly, maintaining a human-centric approach. Our editorial team remains the driving force behind all content, ensuring accuracy, relevancy, and journalistic integrity. The following outlines our adherence to OpenAI’s terms of service and sharing policies:

  1. Human Oversight: We ensure that humans are not only in the loop but are making the final decisions on the content created with AI assistance. This oversight is fundamental in maintaining the trust and high standards our readers expect from CryptoSlate.
  2. Ethical Use: We use AI to augment our capabilities, not replace them. We aim to enhance the value of our content without compromising on ethical considerations or journalistic standards.
  3. Transparency: Where AI-generated content is used, we are transparent with our audience, providing disclaimers to distinguish between human and AI-assisted creation where necessary.
  4. Compliance with OpenAI Policies: We adhere to OpenAI’s terms of use and sharing and publication policy, ensuring our use of AI aligns with the best practices outlined by OpenAI. We do not use AI to generate misleading or manipulative content.
  5. Data Privacy: We respect data privacy and ensure that any use of AI does not compromise the personal data of our users. We utilize AI in a manner that is consistent with all applicable data protection laws.
  6. Quality Control: We implement rigorous quality control measures to monitor the AI-generated content, ensuring it meets the high standards of CryptoSlate’s editorial policy.

By integrating AI into our editorial process, we aim to enhance the efficiency and creativity of our operations, delivering content that remains accurate, insightful, and valuable to our readers. We believe in the power of AI to complement our human talents, not replace them, and we are dedicated to its ethical application in our mission to inform and educate the cryptocurrency community.