Onomy Protocol Verified Profile: Onomy Protocol has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.

A Layer-1 powering a multi-chain hybrid DEX, DeFi wallet, and stablecoin economy.

Onomy Protocol Background

Onomy Protocol is an interoperable Layer-1 ecosystem built to converge Forex and Decentralized Finance. Products include a methodical 3-stage rollout of an innovative multi-chain wallet, a DEX supporting an orderbook experience fused with AMM liquidity pools, and a stablecoin issuance protocol.

Onomy Protocol News

Onomy Protocol Features

Onomy consists of four pillars designed to be a self-governed monetary stabilization system.

  • Onomy Network (ONET): An application-specific Layer 1 blockchain leveraging Tendermint BFT consensus. Powers bi-directional bridges to prominent blockchains in and outside of the Cosmos ecosystem – such as Near, Aurora, Avalanche, Polygon, and more.
  • Onomy Exchange (ONEX): A decentralized exchange that aims to replicate a traditional centralized exchange experience to settle the world’s high-volume demands on-chain, decentralized, and non-custodial. It combines AMM Liquidity Pools with an Orderbook UI, enabling Liquidity Providers to earn yield and traders to engage in familiar orderbook trading strategies supporting market, limit, stop, and conditional orders. The ONEX will be both cross-chain and multi-chain. Paired with Onomy Access and Onomy’s bridge network, ONEX enables users to seamlessly trade native assets between blockchains – or trade assets native to one specific blockchain.
  • Onomy Access: A non-custodial multi-chain mobile wallet app through which users may manage all assets from integrated blockchains. This includes staking, governance, transferring assets, and even viewing your NFT collections from multiple blockchains – all on one singular wallet app. Access makes cross-chain and multi-chain user experience seamless. Connect to dApps by scanning a QR code – gone are the days of connecting various browser extensions to access Web3.
  • Onomy Reserve (ORES): governs minting of decentralized stablecoins named Denoms, utilizing NOM as collateral. Denoms may be used for FX trading, payment, remittance, lending, and settlement.

Onomy Protocol Research Papers

Onomy Protocol Team

Onomy Protocol
Michael Bazzi

CEO & Founder

Onomy Protocol
Charles Dusek

CTO & Founder

Onomy Protocol
Daniel Dob


Onomy Protocol Support

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