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XAUt Price
Market Cap
24H Volume
Circ Supply

XAUt Market Stats

  • Price $2,388.51
  • 1H Change -0.01%
  • 24H Change +1%
  • 7 Day Change -0.55%
  • 30 Day Change +2.43%
  • 1 Year Change +21.93%
  • All-Time High $3,159.29
  • % From ATH -24.39%
  • ATH Date May 26, 2021
  • Launch Date Jan 23, 2020

XAUt Explorer

Tether Gold Info

Tether Gold (XAU₮) is a digital asset offered by TG Commodities Limited. One XAU₮ token represents one troy fine ounce of gold on a London Good Delivery gold bar.

Holders of XAU₮ obtain the combined benefits of both physical and digital assets. XAUt token holders will be able to enjoy ownership of gold while avoiding drawbacks associated with physical gold, such as high storage costs and limited accessibility.

Tether Gold Technical Info

  • Blockchain
  • Hash Algorithm None
  • Org. Structure Decentralized
  • Development Status Working product
  • Hard Wallet Support Yes

Tether Gold News

Tether Gold Organization & Team


Exchange Company in Asia

Bitfinex is a digital asset trading platform offering state-of-the-art services for digital currency traders and global liquidity providers.

Tether Gold
JL Van Der Velde


Tether Gold
Giancarlo Devasini


Tether Gold
Stuart Hoegner

General Counsel

Tether Gold Intel

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