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COMP Price
Market Cap
24H Volume
Circ Supply

COMP Market Stats

  • Price $51.2517
  • 1H Change -0.21%
  • 24H Change +2.42%
  • 7 Day Change -1.21%
  • 30 Day Change +2.78%
  • 1 Year Change -30.93%
  • All-Time High $913.488
  • % From ATH -94.39%
  • ATH Date May 12, 2021

Compound Info

Compound (COMP) is an ERC-20 asset that powers the community governance of the Compound protocol; COMP token-holders and their delegates debate, propose, and vote on changes to the protocol.

By placing COMP directly into the hands of users and applications, an increasingly large ecosystem will be able to upgrade the protocol, and will be incentivized to collectively steward the protocol into the future with good governance.

Compound Technical Info

  • Blockchain
  • Hash Algorithm None
  • Org. Structure Semi-centralized
  • Development Status Working product
  • Open Source Yes
  • Hard Wallet Support Yes

Compound News

Compound Organization & Team


DeFi, Lending Company in North America

Compound is an open-source, autonomous protocol built for developers, to unlock a universe of new financial applications.

Geoffrey Hayes


Compound Intel

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Compound Exchanges

All images, branding and wording is copyright of Compound. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.