Grayscale sends 19,236 BTC to Coinbase, moves 8,000 BTC internally Grayscale sends 19,236 BTC to Coinbase, moves 8,000 BTC internally

Grayscale sends 19,236 BTC to Coinbase, moves 8,000 BTC internally

Outflows total $3.6 billion as a further $750 million leaves the fund.

As the Grayscale Bitcoin outflows continue, the fund today, Jan. 24, sent a further 19,236 BTC valued $754,782,168 at according to the current CF Benchmark Net York Variant Index rate of $39,238.

According to Arkham Intelligence data this brings the total outflows from the fund to Coinbase Prime to 93,700 BTC ($3.68 billion) since Jan. 12. Cost price distribution data suggests Grayscale investors are in profit at an average of $27 with the current price around $35.60.

Grayscale Bitcoin transfers to Coinbase
Grayscale Bitcoin transfers to Coinbase (Source: Arkham Intelligence)

It has also transferred 8,003 BTC ($314 million) internally to other wallets it controls as per Arkham Intelligence’s entity tags. Several of these internal transfers were for values around 1 BTC, however five were around $30 million each.

Grayscale internal transfers (Source: Arkham Intelligence)
Grayscale internal transfers (Source: Arkham Intelligence)

All of the outflows since the spot Bitcoin ETF conversion from Grayscale to Coinbase Prime can be found below.

Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1HUA4)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153918.69 $ 36,733,056.64
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (12HSV)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)827153950.00 $ 37,984,801.75
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (19Zy1)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153914.56 $ 36,567,691.29
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1QDh5)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153913.72 $ 36,534,042.44
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Esx3)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153900.00 $ 35,985,601.75
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (12whe)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8271531000.00 $ 39,984,026.58
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1BzG6)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3JTBP) (+1)827153877.01 $ 35,066,238.81
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1KNpF)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)827153400.47 $ 16,012,440.79
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (13YNX)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827153929.42 $ 37,162,072.83
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1A48N)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827153900.00 $ 35,985,602.19
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (13RLc)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)82715397.68 $    3,905,751.99
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Cu91)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8271531000.00 $ 39,984,001.31
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1E7zS)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827153900.00 $ 35,985,601.97
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LuBU)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153653.43 $ 26,126,842.53
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (193vP)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)827153414.10 $ 16,557,350.33
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1ECkd)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827153900.00 $ 35,985,602.19
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1hk5v)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827153900.00 $ 35,985,602.19
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (18yGM)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827153917.91 $ 36,701,760.31
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1HRia)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827003947.86 $ 36,643,443.58
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LT6U)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827003459.18 $ 17,751,605.53
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (186hJ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)827003854.21 $ 33,022,912.78
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1KA9L)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003845.42 $ 32,683,175.42
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (16rto)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827003949.62 $ 36,711,170.14
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (14chX)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003923.82 $ 35,713,844.87
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Dq2R)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3JTBP) (+1)827003816.56 $ 31,567,288.07
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (18Vzp)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8270031000.00 $ 38,659,028.58
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Hb18)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003921.43 $ 35,621,393.14
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Bd5o)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003922.12 $ 35,648,093.84
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15J68)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)827003807.10 $ 31,201,847.23
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1PiF6)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827003934.60 $ 36,130,756.29
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (12qX4)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003950.00 $ 36,726,051.69
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1L61i)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)827003940.08 $ 36,342,569.40
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1AGLe)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)827003950.00 $ 36,726,051.69
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Nyxx)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8270031000.00 $ 38,659,034.21
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (123SV)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8270031000.00 $ 38,659,001.27
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1FER7)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)82684393.42 $    3,806,789.47
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1GvqC)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843965.00 $ 39,322,775.37
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15fbR)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)826843116.61 $    4,751,684.92
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1GWbQ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)826843179.28 $    7,305,683.00
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15Fax)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8268431000.00 $ 40,749,041.17
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1J6aV)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843963.65 $ 39,267,870.19
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1En9V)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843950.00 $ 38,711,551.78
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1FcHe)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843965.00 $ 39,322,786.78
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1QCD7)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8268431000.00 $ 40,749,001.34
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1H1jN)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)82684326.33 $    1,073,097.57
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1APjg)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826843961.02 $ 39,160,413.41
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (189cj)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8268431000.00 $ 40,749,039.72
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1NDhK)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843950.00 $ 38,711,534.67
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1AET1)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826843950.00 $ 38,711,552.01
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1CLSg)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826843961.50 $ 39,180,202.51
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Fsyu)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843949.66 $ 38,697,831.76
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (159wh)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3JTBP) (+1)826843836.68 $ 34,093,972.52
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (16gAc)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826843952.06 $ 38,795,415.05
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1DrM6)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826843955.40 $ 38,931,468.45
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (128zA)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826843532.70 $ 21,707,191.85
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1341B)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418965.00 $ 39,851,607.03
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1JYfY)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)826418619.57 $ 25,586,428.74
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1NvjB)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418965.00 $ 39,851,607.03
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1MFrJ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)826418262.03 $ 10,821,148.75
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1kQRT)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8264181000.00 $ 41,297,045.63
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1JUhc)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418535.01 $ 22,094,283.26
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1GitJ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8264181000.00 $ 41,296,975.71
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1KyJv)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3JTBP) (+1)826418329.39 $ 13,602,794.61
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (19jmt)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418965.00 $ 39,851,607.03
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1AMZj)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826418992.30 $ 40,979,182.94
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1P6eg)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826418220.33 $    9,098,773.53
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LtDr)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418965.00 $ 39,851,607.03
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (19gDv)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418445.92 $ 18,415,066.20
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Mfrt)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826418975.57 $ 40,287,986.26
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15F9K)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8264181000.00 $ 41,297,001.36
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1KYu3)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826418965.00 $ 39,851,607.03
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1492d)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8262711000.00 $ 42,448,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1D8x7)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826271975.00 $ 41,386,801.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1H7NJ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3JTBP) (+1)826271678.08 $ 28,783,155.80
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1BTpr)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826271975.00 $ 41,386,801.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Ln3G)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)82627137.75 $    1,602,556.64
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1E4Uz)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)826271318.00 $ 13,498,579.91
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1PKz4)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826271975.00 $ 41,386,801.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LWCy)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826271965.00 $ 40,962,322.09
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Pv9J)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826271999.85 $ 42,441,682.20
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1JEt2)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)826271657.66 $ 27,916,333.52
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1PXqk)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826271975.00 $ 41,386,801.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1FAHZ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826271999.89 $ 42,443,176.75
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LacF)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826271834.21 $ 35,410,362.76
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Chyv)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826271975.00 $ 41,386,801.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1DjS6)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15epg)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Jkaw)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826135982.72 $ 41,738,976.75
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1FQjs)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826135975.00 $ 41,411,176.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (13W5r)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (18hBq)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826135578.47 $ 24,569,486.82
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1BtnC)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826135629.60 $ 26,740,817.28
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1MkLP)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Jnh7)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)826135266.73 $ 11,328,689.59
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1GyAe)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826135974.89 $ 41,406,421.68
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (12NtP)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826135975.00 $ 41,411,176.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (13Tki)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15Tdj)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1ARkf)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1NNei)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3KbK5) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,048.86
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1DLm5)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1CN4X)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8261351000.00 $ 42,473,001.39
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1FCM7)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.87
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (17nFZ)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,784,983.05
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1623y)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.87
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Fe3v)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)826037776.43 $ 33,219,723.27
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (16oPR)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)826037105.74 $    4,523,889.34
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Ktq9)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.40
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1Ew5W)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3QwWz) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.40
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1LYc3)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.87
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (13U6u)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8260371000.00 $ 42,785,001.64
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (15qx6)Coinbase Prime Deposit (3Chmt) (+1)826037847.98 $ 36,280,612.27
Grayscale: Bitcoin Trust (1CpEa)Coinbase Prime Deposit (36hGZ) (+1)8254681000.00 $ 45,745,002.00