Elizabeth Warren says she’s building an anti-crypto army in new campaign Elizabeth Warren says she’s building an anti-crypto army in new campaign

Elizabeth Warren says she’s building an anti-crypto army in new campaign

Senator Elizabeth Warren's new re-election campaign post on Twitter says she plans on building an "anti-crypto army."

Elizabeth Warren says she’s building an anti-crypto army in new campaign

Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Wikimedia. Remixed by CryptoSlate

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren’s re-election campaign is set to focus heavily on the crypto industry. 

Senator Warren’s latest Twitter post calling for voters to join the campaign touted her plans and past achievements, which include making over-the-counter hearing aids available and lowering the cost of childcare in the state of Massachusetts.

Among the achievements shared in the post, Senator Warren shared a plan to “build an anti-crypto army” in the U.S. 

Her disdain for the crypto industry isn’t new — the Massachusetts senator has been fighting to curb the spread of cryptocurrencies in the U.S. for several years. 

Her efforts culminated in December 2022 with the introduction of the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2022. At the time, the bill was widely criticized both by republicans and fellow democrats, with the broader crypto and tech industries warning about the dangerous implications it could have.

In February, Warren vowed to reintroduce the bill this year, which would require all decentralized entities to comply with rigorous AML requirements. 

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