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WNXM Price
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WNXM Market Stats

  • Price $77.9225
  • 1H Change +3.73%
  • 24H Change +6.26%
  • 7 Day Change +7.84%
  • 30 Day Change -3.55%
  • 1 Year Change +133.85%
  • All-Time High $133.030
  • % From ATH -45.9%
  • ATH Date May 12, 2021

WNXM Explorer

Wrapped NXM Info

Blockchain based solutions for smart contract cover. It is claimed that Nexus Mutual Membership rights will be represented by tokens. It is also claimed that tokens can be used to purchase cover as well as participate in claims assessment, risk assessment and governance.

WNXM represents wrapped NXM tokens that are freely transferable and only KYC-ed members of the Nexus Mutual are able to wrap and unwrap NXM.

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