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VENOM Market Stats

  • Price $0.14416
  • 1H Change -1.94%
  • 24H Change -5.19%
  • 7 Day Change -4.1%

VENOM Explorer

Venom Info

Venom is a unique Layer 0 and Layer 1 network built on Mesh network technology, enabling it to host large-scale national and international platforms, such as stablecoins, CBDCs, and RWAs (e.g., carbon credits). This is made possible by its exceptional scalability and efficiency. The technology serves as the foundation of a blockchain ecosystem ideal for Web3 dApps, aiming to develop next-generation digital infrastructure that seamlessly overlays existing Web2 systems.

Venom stands out with its speed, low fees, and unmatched scalability. With a technology stack that ensures rapid finality, Venom is the preferred network for high-load systems, whether hosting CBDCs or global institutional infrastructure. Venom guarantees security and stability.

What is Venom Foundation?

Venom Foundation is a collective of individuals and projects focused on providing funding for the continued development of the Venom network and its broader ecosystem. The foundation’s mission is to build a blockchain that serves as the main infrastructure for a global ecosystem of Web3 applications, characterized by ultra-fast transaction speeds and infinite scalability.

Based in the Cayman Islands, Venom Foundation includes prominent figures in the financial and technological sectors. Utilizing the unique technological capabilities of the Venom network, the foundation is laying the groundwork for the network’s role as a host for governmental and global financial platforms.

What Makes Venom Unique?

Venom network serves to improve three main DeFi paradigms:

1. Facilitate decentralization: Rather than being managed by a single entity, blockchain distribute control over the network equally to all participants. Venom facilitates decentralization by setting up a low cost for a validator note.

2. Prove high security: Blockchain network should have ironclad defenses that prevent malicious entities from taking over. Venom proves high security by minimal transaction fees and electro-mechanics for validator slashing.

3. Present unlimited scalability: Blockchain should support a huge number of transactions and users without failures due to increased fees and transaction time. With the use of dynamic segmentation and an unlimited number of subchains, Venom can provide unlimited scalability.

Venom Technical Info

  • Blockchain Own Blockchain

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