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PLOT Price
Market Cap
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PLOT Market Stats

  • Price $0.00702
  • 1H Change -9.92%
  • 24H Change -10.21%
  • 7 Day Change -10.54%
  • 30 Day Change -2.13%
  • 1 Year Change +20.98%
  • All-Time High $0.37736
  • % From ATH -98.1%
  • ATH Date May 11, 2021

PlotX Info

PlotX is a non-custodial prediction market protocol that enables users to earn unlimited rewards on high-yield prediction markets.

Dubbed as the Uniswap of Prediction Markets, PlotX uses an Automated Market Making algorithm to create, settle markets and distribute rewards on the Ethereum Blockchain without any counter-party risk. Markets are focused on crypto-pairs like BTC, ETH, YFI etc and are automatically created in intervals of 1 hour, 1 day and 1 week.

PlotX Technical Info

PlotX News

All images, branding and wording is copyright of PlotX. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.