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LINA Price
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LINA Market Stats

  • Price $0.00561
  • 1H Change -0.73%
  • 24H Change +3.95%
  • 7 Day Change -10.59%
  • 30 Day Change -15.98%
  • 1 Year Change +25.66%
  • All-Time High $1.92651
  • % From ATH -99.53%
  • ATH Date Feb 15, 2021

LINA Explorer

Linear Info

Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol to cost-effectively create, manage, and trade synthetic assets with unlimited liquidity.

LINA is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum network whose main purpose is as collateral for Liquids (using Buildr) and for community governance of the protocol. All token holders have access to the Linear DAO, enabling them to vote on different initiatives and proposals, helping to shape the development of the Linear ecosystem.

The protocol consists of various products like Linear.Buildr, a DApp used to manage Liquids using Linear (LINA) and other tokens as collateral. The exchange is specifically created to enable trading of a variety of Liquids with rapid confirmation times and robust security.

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