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CORE Price
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CORE Market Stats

  • Price $6,030.78
  • 1H Change +0.12%
  • 24H Change +3.6%
  • 7 Day Change -7.75%
  • 30 Day Change -4.07%
  • 1 Year Change -22.94%
  • All-Time High $19,385.46
  • % From ATH -68.99%
  • ATH Date Sep 16, 2021

CORE Explorer Info is a decentralized finance protocol with a deflationary governance token, CORE, that users can stake and use to yield farm. The platform also plans to introduce “Automated Strategy Vaults,” which will allow for the automatic execution of profit-generating strategies for staked tokens.

Aiming to be completely decentralized, calls its governance model “the strongest and most involved in DeFi.” CORE token holders vote as a community to implement changes to the protocol, including the creation of new liquidity pools or the elimination of existing ones.

The platform was launched on the Ethereum mainnet in September 2020, with CORE debuting on Uniswap seven days later.

Who Are the Founders of was launched in September 2020 by two pseudonymous developers known as “0xRevert” and “X 3.” The two have a history of working in traditional software development, but is their first crypto-related project. The co-founders have stated that they decided to create the platform after witnessing DeFi yield farming operations “fantastically implode due to poor economic decisions” such as minting new tokens as part of the farming process.

In October 2020, brought on another pseudonymous individual, “0xdec4f,” to join its leadership team as head of operations. Prior to assuming an official role with, 0xdec4f was an active community member and moderator of the platform’s Telegram channel.

What Makes Unique?

The main way in which seeks to differentiate itself from other DeFi protocols is through its focus on deflationary yield farming. The project believes that minting new tokens to reward liquidity providers — a process carried out by many DeFi protocols — is unsustainable in the long term, as it devalues the token. It has referred to this form of incentivization as “flawed and short-minded.” offers what it calls “deflationary farming” in which no new tokens are ever minted. Rather, a 1% fee is charged on token transfers, and the fees are used to reward liquidity providers. In addition, the protocol prevents the withdrawal of liquidity from Uniswap, which it says guarantees a stable market. These built-in measures, it argues, will ensure the sustainability of the platform.

The development team receives 7% of token transfer fees, while the remaining 93% is redistributed as rewards to liquidity providers.

How Many (CORE) Coins Are There in Circulation? has a fixed supply of 10,000 tokens. All 10,000 CORE was minted in September 2020 during the project’s initial seven-day “liquidity generation event,” or LGE, during which participants contributed over 3,759 Ether (ETH) — valued at $1.41 million at the time — that was used to create a CORE/ETH Uniswap liquidity pool, with contributors receiving liquidity pool tokens. A second LGE was held in October 2020, this time accepting Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and receiving over $5 million in value. The project plans to hold a third event centered around a stablecoin.

Unlike typical Uniswap pairs, these LP tokens cannot be redeemed for their underlying asset, thus permanently locking liquidity into the protocol. This has led to the creation of a secondary market where users trade LP tokens for other assets. The development team of has also stated that this results in a so-called “price floor,” meaning that CORE can never drop below a certain price.

According to, the development team does not receive any CORE tokens as a part of its LGEs.

How Is the Network Secured?

CORE is an ERC-20 token — although it has proposed a new ERC-95 standard — meaning that it relies on the Ethereum blockchain to validate CORE transactions. Ethereum uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm in which miners compete among each other to add new blocks to the blockchain and a majority of all nodes in the network must confirm a record for it to be posted.

According to co-founder X 3, because’s liquidity generation events use open-source smart contracts and liquidity is permanently locked in Uniswap, there is no way for the developers to carry out a “rug-pulling” event in which the development team makes off with users’ funds — thus making it more secure than other DeFi projects.

The project’s smart contract was audited in October 2020 by blockchain software development and security consulting company The Arcadia Group. The firm found that while there were no critical security flaws that required immediate attention, there were some fixes that could be implemented to improve security.

The team also announced in October 2020 that it was offering a $50,000 bug bounty for community members who find flaws in its upcoming changes to its code.

Where Can You Buy (CORE)?

CORE is primarily exchanged on Uniswap (V2), although it is also listed on Bilaxy and Hotbit. It can be traded against Ether, WETH (WETH), Tether (USDT) and Bitcoin (BTC). Technical Info News Intel

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