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carVertical Info

carVertical is a blockchain-based vehicle history registry. First of its kind, carVertical will gather as much information from di erent sources as possible, and put it into the blockchain registry.

carVertical Video

carVertical Technical Info

  • Blockchain
  • Hash Algorithm None
  • Org. Structure Centralized
  • Development Status Alpha version
  • Open Source Yes
  • Hard Wallet Support Yes

carVertical Organization & Team

Audrius Kučinskas

Co-Founder, Full Stack Engineer

Alex Nelkinas

Full Stack Engineer

Arūnas Vaitkus

Blockchain Engineer, Data Architect

Justinas Gulbinas

System Administrator, Back-end Developer

Robertas Boravskis

Co-Founder, Marketing Specialist

Rokas Medonis

Co-Founder, Business Developer & Product Manager

Šarūnas Legeckas

Business Developer (Partnerships)

Adomas Baltagalvis

Performance Marketing Specialist

Gediminas Cibulskis


Lukas Kukuraitis

UI/UX & Graphic Designer

Aleksandras Gaška

Community Relations & Partnerships

Martynas Kavaliauskas

IoT Solutions Engineer

carVertical Intel

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carVertical ICO Details

carVertical launched its token sale on Dec 26, 2017 and completed it on Jan 15, 2018. It raised a total of 15,050 ETH from 44,272 contributors.

The total supply available for purchase during the token sale was 9,975,348,837 cV.

carVertical ICO Stats

  • ICO Start Date Dec 26, 2017
  • ICO End Date Jan 15, 2018
  • Total Raised 15,050 ETH
  • Contributors 44,272
  • Soft Cap 3,050 ETH
  • Hard Cap 15,050 ETH
  • Contribution Size Min: 0.1 ETH / Max: 2,000 ETH
  • Total Supply 9,975,348,837 cV
  • Investor Supply 4,289,400,000 cV
  • ICO Conversion

    1 ETH = 240,000 cV + BONUS

All images, branding and wording is copyright of carVertical. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.