Tyranno Studios unlocks the new era in Web3 gaming with interoperability and convenience – SlateCast #27 Tyranno Studios unlocks the new era in Web3 gaming with interoperability and convenience – SlateCast #27

Tyranno Studios unlocks the new era in Web3 gaming with interoperability and convenience – SlateCast #27

Tyranno Studios Chief Games Officer,  Michael Rubinelli, spoke to CryptoSlate about their vision for web3 gaming and the direction of the field. 

Tyranno Studios is a Web3 gaming company that defines its core value as allowing players to retain complete control over the items they purchase in games, regardless of its platform. It focuses on functioning cross-chain with a seamless experience.

The company just launched its new game called blockchain brawlers last week. Designed by Richard Garfield, the game is a card game tied to wrestling actions. In addition to developing new games, according to Rubinelli, Tyranno Studios constantly establish bridges on the side to increase its interoperability.

Re-branding from Wax

Tyranno re-branded from Wax Studios. The company was created by the creators of the Wax blockchain, which was why it was named the same. However, Rubinelli said that the community assumed that the company ran on the Wax blockchain, which was misleading.

Tyranno – then Wax Studios- was a separate entity from the Was blockchain, and while acknowledging that the Wax blockchain is one of the best in the market, the team didn’t want to be attached to only one blockchain.

Rubinelli explained why by saying that Tyranno believed in a cross-chain world that could facilitate mass adoption rather than being natives on one chain.

A new era of web3 games

Rubinelli addressed the paradigm shift in the web3 gaming industry that took place in the last six months and said that a new era of web3 gaming has arisen.

At first, most developer communities perceived web3 gaming as a gold mine to go online and build a “game” by writing a simple, smart contract. “But it really wasn’t a game,” Rubinelli said, referring to most of the oversimplified play-to-earn scripts. Now, we can realize the shift in the web3 area where play-to-earn “games” are now dead. Instead, a new era is born where gameplay and user experience are a primary concern rather than making millions.

However, while classifying them “as far away from a game as possible,” Rubinelli said that he was glad play-to-earn games surged in the past few months because they influenced the community to realize that players wanted to control their assets in games they paid for.

He said:

“Wait a minute, this is a really powerful idea: Allowing players to have full control of what they paid for. If we can work the tokenomics and explain them, this will be the natural evolution of gaming.”

Rubinelli also mentioned that gamers have been trying to get a financial return for the time and energy invested into the games by selling their high-level characters, skins, and gears on platforms like E-bay. Rubinelli says this is a sign of what gamers want to do.

The key is convenience.

After defining the demand of the gamers, Rubinelli talked about how to attract gamers to web3. He mentioned a study by Walt Disney, which revealed that consumers would stick around as long as there is convenience at the center of what you offer.

Rubinelli agreed with the survey results and said, “we need to lean in on convenience and frictionlessness.”

He further continued:

“At the end of the day, gamers will say: ‘I wanna show up, and I want my stuff to work. I don’t care what wallet, I don’t care how.’ That’s where we have to go.”

Focus on fair revenue share, not getting rich

Rubinelli also said that with the new era of Web3 gaming, the focus should not be on getting millions out of the game. He said that he didn’t think gamers would be able to profit from constantly playing unless they find a unique item that is worth a lot.

Instead, he said:

“The drea should be be a larger revenue share coming from the developers and publishers, back into the players pockets. People tell me that I’m crazy, and nobody will play a game unless they can profit. And I say, three billion gamers today spend almost $200 billion and they own nothing”

Instead of playing something that won’t give you any returns, he said, why wouldn’t players choose this one? At least now they get something for their efforts. This way, they’d be more willing to spend, invest money and time, and level up. All these are sound effects for the game developers, while players get something else in return in addition to entertainment.

Future of Web3 gaming

Since the new focus in Web3 gaming became the gameplay and user experience, Rubinelli said, it attracted many talented and intelligent people into the area. From this point on, Web3 gaming can only get better as these intelligent people create better and better solutions in the future.

Rubinelli acknowledged that massive funding was going into the industry, and excellent content was coming out. However, the field didn’t find its “north star” yet. “Once interoperobility is achieved accompanied by a frictionless experience, that game will become the north star of the field,” Rubinelli said, “and it will attract millions.”

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