Marcus Bengtsson Verified Profile: Marcus Bengtsson has verified to CryptoSlate that all details in this profile are accurate as of the date submitted.

CMO at

Marcus Bengtsson Bio

Marcus Bengtsson is a crypto enthusiast with 15+ years experience from developing and bringing innovative products to market.

Currently working as CMO for who has developed specialized technologies for creating fast, easy, and secure KYC onboarding flows.

Marcus was a pioneer during the smartphone boom and started one of the first agencies in Sweden focused on mobile advertising, responsive design and similar features.

Prior to, Marcus was working for Google, supporting agencies in their Google Partner program.

Marcus Bengtsson Current Work

All images, branding and wording is copyright of Marcus Bengtsson. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the person mentioned on this page.