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RMRK Price
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RMRK Market Stats

  • Price $0.67601
  • 1H Change +0.59%
  • 24H Change +4%
  • 7 Day Change -19%

RMRK Explorer

RMRK Info is a part of Kusama’s broader NFT strategy and a way to abuse Kusama’s system.remark extrinsic to write custom notes onto the chain in a standardized and structured way. The protocol runs on the Kusama blockchain.

$RMRK is the native utility token that is used for:

  • currency in the RMRK metaverse(s).
  • preventing fungible token spam
  • curation in galleries *governance of platform-wide parameters *curation in RMRK-launched but not necessarily NFT-related products *collateral in DeFi protocols like Karura and others. *abstraction of the multi-chain architecture: using RMRK tokens to mint, trade, and generally interact with the NFTs in our ecosystem. *whitelabel of RMRK products and apps *use of $RMRK tokens to fund your account for use with applications like BadCall

RMRK tools include:

  • RMRK tools to interact with NFTs on the command line and in web apps
  • RMRK spec to write your own implementation
  • RMRK pinning tools to pin for IPFS and regularly clean outdated pins from services like Pinata
  • A standalone, embeddable renderer for RMRK2 composable NFTs

RMRK Technical Info


RMRK Intel

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