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FEI Price
Market Cap
24H Volume
Circ Supply

FEI Market Stats

  • Price $0.95454
  • 1H Change -0.01%
  • 24H Change -1.52%
  • 7 Day Change -0.99%
  • 30 Day Change +5.61%
  • 1 Year Change +1.26%
  • All-Time High $2.74157
  • % From ATH -63.95%
  • ATH Date Feb 14, 2024

Fei USD Info

Fei Protocol ($FEI) represents a direct incentive stablecoin which is undercollateralized and fully decentralized.

The goal of the Fei Protocol is to maintain a liquid market in which ETH/FEI trades closely to the ETH/USD price. FEI achieves this via a new stability mechanism known as direct incentives. Direct incentive stablecoins use dynamic mint rewards and burn penalties on DEX trade volume to maintain the peg. FEI uses Uniswap as its incentivized DEX at launch. Governance can add and update DEX integrations and other incentives as needed.

Fei USD Technical Info

Fei USD News

Fei USD Organization & Team

Joey Santoro


Sebastian Delgado


Brianna Montgomery

Fei USD Intel

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