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ETH2X-FLI Market Stats

  • Price $24.0422
  • 1H Change -0.01%
  • 24H Change +6.85%
  • 7 Day Change -14.06%
  • 30 Day Change +11.01%
  • 1 Year Change -0.07%
  • All-Time High $106.837
  • % From ATH -89.85%
  • ATH Date Apr 3, 2022

ETH2X-FLI Explorer

ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index Info

The Ethereum Flexible Leverage Index lets you leverage a collateralized debt position in a safe and efficient way, by abstracting its management into a simple index. It enabled market participants to take on leverage while minimizing the transaction costs and risks associated with maintaining collateralized debt.

The Ethereum Flexible Leverage Index (ETH2X-FLI) makes leverage effortless.

The end user does not have to worry about:

  • Monitoring their leveraged loan 24/7, having to always be ready to act.
  • High fees, transactions not being included fast enough or the relative UIs being unresponsive during times of high volatility.
  • Paying for overpriced stablecoins to deleverage on time or panic trading to save their positions.

ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index Technical Info

ETH 2x Flexible Leverage Index Intel

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