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DYDX Price
Market Cap
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DYDX Market Stats

  • Price $1.30318
  • 1H Change -0.27%
  • 24H Change +5.31%
  • 7 Day Change -8.1%
  • 30 Day Change -7.89%
  • 1 Year Change -36.62%
  • All-Time High $14.8252
  • % From ATH -91.21%
  • ATH Date Dec 2, 2021

DYDX Explorer

dYdX (Native) Info

DYDX is a governance token that allows the dYdX community to truly govern the dYdX Layer 2 Protocol. By enabling shared control of the protocol, DYDX allows traders, liquidity providers, and partners of dYdX to work collectively towards an enhanced Protocol.

DYDX enables a robust ecosystem around governance, rewards, and staking — each designed to drive future growth and decentralization of dYdX, resulting in a better experience for users.

Holders of the DYDX token can use their tokens to run a Validator or stake their tokens to a Validator in order to participate in securing and governing the dYdX Chain network.

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