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LEVER Market Stats

  • Price $0.00230
  • 1H Change +0.02%
  • 24H Change +4.38%
  • 7 Day Change -7.93%
  • 30 Day Change -7.35%
  • 1 Year Change +92.82%
  • All-Time High $0.00617
  • % From ATH -62.65%
  • ATH Date Dec 14, 2022

LEVER Explorer

LeverFi Info

RAMP DeFi has been rebranded into LeverFi. LeverFi is powered by LEVER, a governance token, with a total supply of 35 billion.

To participate in governance, users are required to lock up LEVER for a period of between 6 months to 48 months, in order to receive xLEVER tokens. Each xLEVER represents one vote in governance.

Users who undertake longer lockup periods will receive more xLEVER for the same number of LEVER tokens. This means that token holders with a smaller holdings and longer lockups can have comparable voting power with token holders who have larger holdings, but shorter lockups.

Users can stake xLEVER tokens for a share of protocol rewards, which are in the form of ETH and LEVER.

LeverFi Technical Info

LeverFi News

All images, branding and wording is copyright of LeverFi. All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. CryptoSlate has no affiliation or relationship with the coins, projects or people mentioned on this page. Data is provided by CoinMarketCap and TradingView.