NIFTY Conference + Hackathon

Jul 24 - Jul 26, 2018 · Telegraph Bay, Hong Kong
  • This event has passed.

In the spirit of conference like the Global Game Jam and ETHGlobal, NIFTY’s goal is to gather the best developers in the space and to build a community of collaboration between the different projects.

The first project will win $7,000 USD – Second prize is $3,000 USD – And the third one$1,000 USD. Sponsors will be able to provide their own prizes, at their discretion. For more details click here.

The hackathon will bring together developers to Cyberport, which provides a comfortable space with food and beverages available for all hackers. Some workshops focused on building blockchain-based games will be held on the afternoon of the 25th.


July 24, 2018
July 26, 2018
Event Category:


100 Cyberport Rd
Telegraph Bay, Hong Kong
+ Google Map